Sunday, April 6, 2008


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Allan said...

Dear Mr. Dawson,

I'm studying the changing image of the female body since the middle ages and was struck by your reworking of the Rokeby Venus. I wonder if you have rendered any other classic nudes in modern style. If so, I'd be very glad to see them.
Allan Mazur, Professor
Syracuse University

O Tanino said...


Congratulations for your blog...very nice.....

I'm brazilian and lover of arts.

This year I'll go to london in a trip an I'll try to visit the National gallery too.

I look the picture and you was near a canvas in National Gallery.......and now I have a question........
Inside the national gallery is "free for pics" ?? I was in louvre and D'orsay last year and in bouth you can take some pictures you want.......and in National Gallery??

Thank you for help me and sorry my bad english.

Jean Rodrigo Vicente

Anonymous said...

Magnificent work Joesph old pal! Keep at the awesome painting! And drop me a line sometime, would love to catch up and see what you've been up to for the past decade or so :D

Neil Blevins